Second Grade Lessons

Animal Animations

Each student will research an animal.  Students will then be partnered to compare their animals and together create an animation using Frames software.  Through this investigaion, students will be answering the following essential question:  How are animals alike and different?
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Multiplication Fun

In this lesson, created by Tech4Learning, students are asked to create their own multiplication word problems using Pixie.  This lesson could be adapted by asking students to create one slide with the problem, and a second slide with the answer.  The slides from the entire class could be saved into one folder and used to create a class slideshow to provide additional practice for all students or even a neighboring class.

View this lesson by clicking on this link.  Tech4Learning Multiplication Lesson

Question Lesson One:  Hooray for Questions!

In this introductory inquiry lesson, students answer the question:  "How do we find out about things we want to know?"  This lesson covers the following Michigan Grade Level Content Expectations:
S.IP.00.11:  Make purposeful observation of the natural world using the appropriate senses.
S.IP.00.12:  Generate questions based on observations.
S.IP.00.13:  Plan and conduct simple investigations.
S.IP.00.16:  Construct simple charts from data and observations.
S.IA.00.12:  Share ideas about science through purposeful conversation.
S.IA.00.13:  Communicate and present findings of observations.
S.IA.00.14:  Develop strategies for information gathering (ask an expert, use a book, make observations, conduct simple investigations, and watch a video).
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Question Lesson Two:  Question Monster

In this introductory inquiry lesson, students answer the question:  "How do we find out about things we want to know?"  This lesson covers the following Michigan Grade Level Content Expectations:
S.IP.00.11:  Make purposeful observation of the natural world using the appropriate senses.
S.IP.00.12:  Generate questions based on observations.
S.IP.00.13:  Plan and conduct simple investigations.
S.IP.00.16:  Construct simple charts from data and observations.
S.IA.00.12:  Share ideas about science through purposeful conversation.
S.IA.00.13:  Communicate and present findings of observations.
S.IA.00.14:  Develop strategies for information gathering (ask an expert, use a book, make observations, conduct simple investigations, and watch a video).
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Question Lesson Three:  Quick Look, Careful Observation

In this introductory inquiry lesson, students answer the question:  "How do we determine characteristics or qualities of an item?"  This lesson covers the following Michigan Grade Level Content Expectations:
S.IP.00.11:  Make purposeful observation of the natural world using the appropriate senses.
S.IP.00.12:  Generate questions based on observations.
S.IP.00.13:  Plan and conduct simple investigations.
S.IP.00.16:  Construct simple charts from data and observations.
S.IA.00.12:  Share ideas about science through purposeful conversation.
S.IA.00.13:  Communicate and present findings of observations.
S.IA.00.14:  Develop strategies for information gathering (ask an expert, use a book, make observations, conduct simple investigations, and watch a video).
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